Work Record

A record of completed work, contemporaneous in nature and scoped to a single Field or Crop Zone. At least one Operation. E.g.s., -The harvest of a single Crop Zone completed by two combines over several days. Each combine would record separate Operations. -The single-pass seeding/starter fertilizer/insecticide application of a corn Crop Zone by one row planter. The Work Record would contain three Operation objects for each type of application. -A manual record of total harvested values, without knowledge of the harvesting equipment. One Operation would record one or more Summary Values.

Child Components

Id 1..1
Name 1..1
Description 0..1
Context Items 0..1
Season Id 0..1
Notes 0..1
Document Correlations 0..1
Time Scopes 0..1
Version 0..1
Field Id 1..1
Crop Zone Id 0..1
Operations 1..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml WorkRecord

class WorkRecord {
    String [[/docs/name Name]]
    String [[/docs/description Description]]
    String [[/docs/season-id SeasonId]]
    String [[/docs/version Version]]
    String [[/docs/field-id FieldId]]
    String [[/docs/crop-zone-id CropZoneId]]

class Id {
    [[/docs/id details]]→

class ContextItems {
    [[/docs/context-items details]]→

class Notes {
    [[/docs/notes details]]→

class DocumentCorrelations {
    [[/docs/document-correlations details]]→

class TimeScopes {
    [[/docs/time-scopes details]]→

class Operations {
    [[/docs/operations details]]→

WorkRecord o-d- "1...1" Id
WorkRecord o-r- "0...1" ContextItems
WorkRecord o-u- "0...1" Notes
WorkRecord o-l- "0...1" DocumentCorrelations
WorkRecord o-d- "0...1" TimeScopes
WorkRecord o-u- "1...1" Operations

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Work Record as a child component.


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UUID: 16e74e659a494103be2f2d75696703ad

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0