Scenario 2 - Field Operation Summary Data
2.0 Overview
In addition to geospatial field operation data, ADAPT fully supports manual record keeping of field operations. If the only data available is that the field yielded 8500 tonnes per hectare, that information can be stored in a Summary Value on the operation.
ADAPT also supports cases when there is only an operational boundary, a total number of acres or a total time of the operation.
- Operation.BoundaryGeometry {wkt of boundary}
- Operation.SummaryValues { SummaryValue = “AppliedArea” @ 10000m}
- Operation.Timescopes {Operation.Timescopes[DateContext = “Actual”].Start/End or Duration
2.1 Business Workflow (Sequence)
2.2 Example
Manual records of harvest and planting
- Operation includes variables mapping to ADAPT Data Type Definitions.
- Summary Values refer to the variable whose data type defines how the Value Text may be parsed.
- Time Scopes on the Summary Values define start and end times.