
Records for a single OperationType on a single Field at one time. If Device Configuration is specified (implements are known), data from each separate Device must be in a separate Operation.

Child Components

Id 1..1
Name 1..1
Description 0..1
Context Items 0..1
Operation Type Code 1..1
Variables 0..1
Spatial Records File 0..1
Summary Values 0..1
Device Configuration 0..1
Harvest Load Identifier 0..1
Prescribing Operation Id 0..1
Product Ids 0..1
Time Scopes 0..1
Party Roles 0..1
Guidance Allocations 0..1
Notes 0..1
Boundary Geometry 0..1
Reference Layer Ids 0..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml Operation

class Operation {
    String [[/docs/name Name]]
    String [[/docs/description Description]]
    String [[/docs/operation-type-code OperationTypeCode]]
    String [[/docs/spatial-records-file SpatialRecordsFile]]
    String [[/docs/harvest-load-identifier HarvestLoadIdentifier]]
    String [[/docs/prescribing-operation-id PrescribingOperationId]]
    String [[/docs/boundary-geometry BoundaryGeometry]]

class Id {
    [[/docs/id details]]→

class ContextItems {
    [[/docs/context-items details]]→

class Variables {
    [[/docs/variables details]]→

class SummaryValues {
    [[/docs/summary-values details]]→

class DeviceConfiguration {
    [[/docs/device-configuration details]]→

class ProductIds {
    [[/docs/product-ids details]]→

class TimeScopes {
    [[/docs/time-scopes details]]→

class PartyRoles {
    [[/docs/party-roles details]]→

class GuidanceAllocations {
    [[/docs/guidance-allocations details]]→

class Notes {
    [[/docs/notes details]]→

class ReferenceLayerIds {
    [[/docs/reference-layer-ids details]]→

Operation o-d- "1...1" Id
Operation o-r- "0...1" ContextItems
Operation o-u- "0...1" Variables
Operation o-l- "0...1" SummaryValues
Operation o-d- "0...1" DeviceConfiguration
Operation o-u- "0...1" ProductIds
Operation o-d- "0...1" TimeScopes
Operation o-u- "0...1" PartyRoles
Operation o-d- "0...1" GuidanceAllocations
Operation o-u- "0...1" Notes
Operation o-d- "0...1" ReferenceLayerIds

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Operation as a child component.


AgGateway and its members welcome your feedback.

UUID: 6b0d33ef3b5143e38fbf65aa6b9dfd73

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0