Work Order

Document summarizing the final collection of agronomic instructions (Operations) to be acted upon once operational decisions are taken. A work order documents operational decisions made. A common example would be a list of fixed or variable rate prescriptions.

The Operations represent agronomic instruction(s) for a single Field or Crop Zone at a single time. Where a Crop is not known/relevant, the Work Order must reference a Field. Where a Crop is known, the Work Order must reference a CropZone. Example WorkItems: a CropZone should be planted and fertilized on a particular date/date range, utilize a prescribed flat rate (Summary Value) or rates (Spatial Records File). Prescriptions are represented as individual Operations.

Child Components

Id 1..1
Name 1..1
Description 0..1
Context Items 0..1
Season Id 0..1
Notes 0..1
Document Correlations 0..1
Time Scopes 0..1
Version 0..1
Field Id 1..1
Crop Zone Id 0..1
Operations 1..1

UML Class Model

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SVG File
@startuml WorkOrder class WorkOrder { String [[/docs/name Name]] String [[/docs/description Description]] String [[/docs/season-id SeasonId]] String [[/docs/version Version]] String [[/docs/field-id FieldId]] String [[/docs/crop-zone-id CropZoneId]] } class Id { [[/docs/id details]]→ } class ContextItems { [[/docs/context-items details]]→ } class Notes { [[/docs/notes details]]→ } class DocumentCorrelations { [[/docs/document-correlations details]]→ } class TimeScopes { [[/docs/time-scopes details]]→ } class Operations { [[/docs/operations details]]→ } WorkOrder o-d- "1...1" Id WorkOrder o-r- "0...1" ContextItems WorkOrder o-u- "0...1" Notes WorkOrder o-l- "0...1" DocumentCorrelations WorkOrder o-d- "0...1" TimeScopes WorkOrder o-u- "1...1" Operations hide circle @enduml

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Work Order as a child component.


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UUID: b52d02bff62b40e4adf1191b8a49acdc

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0