
Document summarizing guidance to a Grower from an advisor. An example might be recommendations for amounts of specific crops to plant from a financial or market advisor, specific varieties or crop protection chemicals to use from an agronomic advisor, etc.

E.g.s, if an advisor recommends a Grower plant a specific variety on 3 fields, the Recommendation.FieldIds would map to those fields, and there would be one Operation of type Application - Sowing and Planting simply referring to the product id of the recommended variety.

If an advisor is recommending the Grower apply a certain crop protection chemical for all fields with a certain crop, the Recommendation.CropIds would map to a single crop, and there would be one Operation of type Application - Crop Protection, mapping to the product id of the specified chemical, optionally containing a Time Scopes object to specify the recommended date range.

Child Components

Id 1..1
Name 1..1
Description 0..1
Context Items 0..1
Season Id 0..1
Notes 0..1
Document Correlations 0..1
Time Scopes 0..1
Version 0..1
Crop Ids 0..1
Estimated Area 0..1
Field Ids 0..1
Crop Zone Ids 0..1
Operations 1..1

UML Class Model

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SVG File
@startuml Recommendation

class Recommendation {
    String [[/docs/name Name]]
    String [[/docs/description Description]]
    String [[/docs/season-id SeasonId]]
    String [[/docs/version Version]]

class Id {
    [[/docs/id details]]→

class ContextItems {
    [[/docs/context-items details]]→

class Notes {
    [[/docs/notes details]]→

class DocumentCorrelations {
    [[/docs/document-correlations details]]→

class TimeScopes {
    [[/docs/time-scopes details]]→

class CropIds {
    [[/docs/crop-ids details]]→

class EstimatedArea {
    [[/docs/estimated-area details]]→

class FieldIds {
    [[/docs/field-ids details]]→

class CropZoneIds {
    [[/docs/crop-zone-ids details]]→

class Operations {
    [[/docs/operations details]]→

Recommendation o-d- "1...1" Id
Recommendation o-r- "0...1" ContextItems
Recommendation o-u- "0...1" Notes
Recommendation o-l- "0...1" DocumentCorrelations
Recommendation o-d- "0...1" TimeScopes
Recommendation o-u- "0...1" CropIds
Recommendation o-d- "0...1" EstimatedArea
Recommendation o-u- "0...1" FieldIds
Recommendation o-d- "0...1" CropZoneIds
Recommendation o-u- "1...1" Operations

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Recommendation as a child component.


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UUID: 27b3f1dba36d4dc58ed2c6192cce35fd

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0