An individual type of measurement during a field operation that will be populated at multiple points in the field.
Child Components
Id 1..1
Name 1..1
Description 0..1
Context Items 0..1 ⇩
Definition Code 1..1
File Data Index 0..1
Product Id 0..1
Default Rate 0..1
Out Of Field Rate 0..1
Loss Of GNSS Rate 0..1
UML Class Model
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SVG File
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml Variable
class Variable {
String [[/docs/name Name]]
String [[/docs/description Description]]
String [[/docs/definition-code DefinitionCode]]
Integer [[/docs/file-data-index FileDataIndex]]
String [[/docs/product-id ProductId]]
Number [[/docs/default-rate DefaultRate]]
Number [[/docs/out-of-field-rate OutOfFieldRate]]
Number [[/docs/loss-of-gnss-rate LossOfGNSSRate]]
class Id {
[[/docs/id details]]→
class ContextItems {
[[/docs/context-items details]]→
Variable o-d- "1...1" Id
Variable o-r- "0...1" ContextItems
hide circle
Where Used
Following is a list of components that have Variable as a child component.
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UUID: 2455e97642f04305bc4efacde7d9ac96
ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0