Scenario 6 - Products, Rates and Date Ranges for Field Operations

6.0 Overview

ADAPT Work Orders document the final management decisions taken for a field. These decisions may include what variety to plant or what products to apply. E.g., a grower or agronomic advisor may define what products must be applied and transmit that information to a custom applicator or input retailer on behalf of the farm. Similarly, one party may define the rate at which a given product is to be applied and pass that along for import into the equipment.

ADAPT is flexible in what information can be included. Examples of Work Orders might be:

  • Plant a field no sooner than April 15 or no later than May 1
  • Plant a field with a particular variety
  • Plant a field with a particular variety at a defined rate
  • Apply a fertilizer or crop protection product at a defined rate
  • Apply an input with a defined variable rate prescription (see Scenario 4)

For ADAPT Work Orders defining only a product, the Work Order’s operation might simply map to a Product Id. E.g., The WorkOrder.Operation.ProductId maps to Corn variety ABC123.

For ADAPT Work Orders defining a product and a fixed rate, a summary value would be added to the product id, specifying the rate using the appropriate Data Type Definition. E.g., The WorkOrder.Operation.ProductId maps to Corn variety ABC123. The WorkOrder.Operation.SummaryValues includes a single (add a note Score that there must be uniquess based on an implicit primary key in Summary Values) Summary Value for AppliedCountPerAreaTarget = 8.4 seeds per m2 (=84,000 seeds/ha or 34,000 seeds/acre)

6.1 Business Workflow (Sequence)

6.2 Example

Flat Rate Prescription

  • Like the Work Record in Scenario 2, this Work Order contains an Operation with the Variable values defined as Summary Values.