Scenario 5 - Variable Rate Prescriptions

5.0 Overview

Variable Rate Prescriptions are a special category of Work Order. Work Orders, Work Records, Plans and Recommendations all share the Operation object. In the comparison to the “flat rate” scenarios described in Scenario 3, the Operation inside a variable rate Work Order will map to geospatial data. If the geospatial data is in a vector format (polygons), the associated file is in GeoParquet format. If the geospatial data is in raster format (pixels/cells), the associated file is GeoTiff.

5.1 Business Workflow (Sequence)

5.2 Example

Variable Rate Seeding Prescription for a field

  • Data is in a WorkOrder vs. WorkRecords in Scenarios 1 and 2.
  • Prescription defines rates for two varieties, anticipating one of the two will be used.
  • Operation includes column mappings to the associated Geoparquet file.