
When ADAPT data is consolidated into a single dataset (usually as physical files), the Root component acts as the top level entity that contains all available data. It is serialized as “adapt.json.” Note that it is also possible to use json representations of individual ADAPT components in a distributed service architecture without the container entities (Root, Catalog, Documents, etc.)

Child Components

Catalog 1..1
Documents 0..1
Data Type Definition Version 0..1
Unit System Version 0..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml Root

class Root {
    Number [[/docs/data-type-definition-version DataTypeDefinitionVersion]]
    Number [[/docs/unit-system-version UnitSystemVersion]]

class Catalog {
    [[/docs/catalog details]]→

class Documents {
    [[/docs/documents details]]→

Root o-d- "1...1" Catalog
Root o-r- "0...1" Documents

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Root as a child component.

  • [none]


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UUID: 583a9be65d294d0aa3e5405e570975c2

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0