Guidance Shift

Shift information added to Guidance Patterns during a specific field operation, mapped to that LoggedData via the Guidance Allocation component

Child Components

Guidance Group Id 0..1
Guidance Pattern Id 0..1
East Shift 0..1
North Shift 0..1
Propagation Offset 0..1
Time Scopes 0..∞

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml GuidanceShift

class GuidanceShift {
    String [[/docs/guidance-group-id GuidanceGroupId]]
    String [[/docs/guidance-pattern-id GuidancePatternId]]

class EastShift {
    [[/docs/east-shift details]]→

class NorthShift {
    [[/docs/north-shift details]]→

class PropagationOffset {
    [[/docs/propagation-offset details]]→

class TimeScopes {
    [[/docs/time-scopes details]]→

GuidanceShift o-d- "0...1" EastShift
GuidanceShift o-r- "0...1" NorthShift
GuidanceShift o-u- "0...1" PropagationOffset
GuidanceShift o-l- "0...∞" TimeScopes

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Guidance Shift as a child component.


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UUID: e7d755b3477f4625a75bf6a70a2f2d50

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0