Field Boundary

A geometry that identifies the geospatial coordinates of a field. The boundary can be used to define the area for a particular operation, a particular crop or crops, or for legal purposes. A field can have different boundaries that may vary in geometry based on their specific use, but it is always either a polygon or multi-polygon.

Child Components

Id 1..1
Name 1..1
Description 0..1
Context Items 0..1
Field Id 1..1
Season Ids 0..1
Geometry 1..1
Obstacles 0..1
Headlands 0..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml FieldBoundary

class FieldBoundary {
    String [[/docs/name Name]]
    String [[/docs/description Description]]
    String [[/docs/field-id FieldId]]
    String [[/docs/geometry Geometry]]

class Id {
    [[/docs/id details]]→

class ContextItems {
    [[/docs/context-items details]]→

class SeasonIds {
    [[/docs/season-ids details]]→

class Obstacles {
    [[/docs/obstacles details]]→

class Headlands {
    [[/docs/headlands details]]→

FieldBoundary o-d- "1...1" Id
FieldBoundary o-r- "0...1" ContextItems
FieldBoundary o-u- "0...1" SeasonIds
FieldBoundary o-l- "0...1" Obstacles
FieldBoundary o-d- "0...1" Headlands

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Field Boundary as a child component.


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UUID: 67e8eff86d3c44bf9333a1209a67caeb

ADAPT Standard Version 1.0.0