ADAPT Standard

The ADAPT Standard version 1.0 is now released.

AgGateway welcomes your feedback. It will make a difference!


The ADAPT Standard is a data model designed for the business-to-business transfer of agricultural production data.

It is the successor to the AgGateway ADAPT Framework released in 2015 that served as a software plugin toolkit to read proprietary files. Unlike the earlier toolkit, the ADAPT Standard does not have any software dependencies. It is data only.


ADAPT models data in json. All dates and times are UTC as ISO8601 strings. Unattributed geometries are Well Known Text in EPSG 4326. Attributed spatial data is stored in separate GeoParquet or GeoTiff files. All attributes are documented in the schema. Json objects and spatial binaries may be exchanged individually between partner systems or sent as collected datasets.


Earlier approaches have left the data producer options on how to model any data type. As a result, the data consumer was required to implement conditional logic based on data source. The ADAPT Standard requires any given type of data be modeled in the same way.

Get Started

See the scenarios link at left for specific use cases and examples.

Last modified June 10, 2024: Updating banner information (8b2c337)